More Solutions To The “17 Elephants/Cows/Horses/Camels” Type Puzzle


Previously, I posted a famous puzzle about an owner of seventeen elephants with three sons who died. In his will he wrote, “My eldest son gets half of my elephants, my middle son gets one-third, and my youngest son one-ninth of the seventeen elephants.” The man owned 17 elephants so it’s impossible to follow the will […]

via More Solutions To The “17 Elephants/Cows/Horses/Camels” Type Puzzle — Learn Fun Facts

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Bohemian Jewellery and Accessories


In today’s Internet world, you can find any information with a few clicks of the mouse. Bohemians and their style also come in that category. You can find interesting details about the styles adopted by these free-spirited people who believe in living their life with a great deal of beauty and liberty. The key to […]

via Bohemian Jewellery and Accessories: Their Making Techniques and Materials Used — Designer Jewellery Online 

🚫  If any producer, label, artist or photographer has an issue with any of the music or video uploads please contact us twitter @highwaypaynet and we will remove your work immediately